Christopher S. Case

Results 36 comments of Christopher S. Case

Here's some good news/bad news. ### Bad News Bower is not _officially_ supported by `ui-bootstrap4`. Since it no longer recommends being used for new projects, and I have limited resources,...

If this is really a need, I'll take a merge request to add `bower.json`.

@Zelarith Yeah, when I started this project I was in a similar boat, but we did the upgrade to a new build system (We've gone through three since the bower...

Reopening this to track.

Since using the docker's so easy in the `gitlab-ci.yml`, that's all I've ever used. And since that's completely language agnostic, I'm down for a rewrite 100%. :)

@easykoala As I stated in the readme: > This project is focused on providing useful/convenient VueJS wrappers around existing Bootstrap components. It does not wrap all of them (_because that...