Christopher S. Case

Results 36 comments of Christopher S. Case

@elevatebart I am using the latest npm, but with node v14: ``` > npm --version 7.18.1 > node --version v14.15.4 ``` (In npm v7 they changed to automatically install peer...

As a work around for anyone else who runs into this, it appears that installing `[email protected]` and `[email protected]` works, but you have to force the install: ``` > npm install...

@elevatebart Awesome. Will it be able to still work for Vue2 projects? (Stuck building new apps against 2 until BootstrapVue updates, sadly.)

@akaSybe Right now, there isn't any typescript support on the roadmap, but we will discuss internally. I _personally_ feel that the core developers' time is best spent on fixing our...

It's still broken: ``` node_modules/connect-session-knex/typings/index.d.ts:8:14 - error TS2709: Cannot use namespace 'Knex' as a type. 8 knex?: Knex; ~~~~ node_modules/connect-session-knex/typings/index.d.ts:20:5 - error TS2666: Exports and export assignments are not permitted...

@EagleTsui Thank you! `getCurrentInstance()` was the magic I was missing. So, for other people who run into this, you _have_ to call `getCurrentInstance()` from inside of the component. This is...

For anyone who comes across this, I should mention, `getCurrentInstance` was removed in Vue3: Also, `_bv__toast` (or anything like that) is an internal name used inside the BootstrapVue code,...

@EagleTsui That makes sense. And just tested, that worked perfectly.

Can you be more specific? A quick code search on GitHub only shows the word document appearing in a `role` attribute:

I understand it is 2 years late, but the simple fact is, my testing was the work project I was using this in. Since that work stopped in 2019, I...