**Describe the bug** AsyncWrite接受一个callback, 看上去可以用来做这次AsyncWrite完成的通知。 但其实,需要写出去的数据在callback完成时可能还被buffer在内存里。 考虑流式写数据的场景,会循环调AsyncWrite,然后等AsyncWrite完成,伪代码如下 ``` for { buf := make([]byte, 1024) reader.Read(buf) AsyncWrite(buf, callback) // 此时希望等待buf被全部写出去,然后再读下一块数据 } ``` 如果往外写数据比较慢,就会导致内存一直增长, 需要有一种手段等待buf写真正完成
i see doc mentioned `for shared-memory languages, such as Python, Java, and Node.js. The processor communicates with the SHMEM function runtime through zero-copy shared-memory channels.` but the code in ``seems...
thanks for your excellent work! but I have to read the source code to learn how to use it maybe need more wiki?