Monica Granados
Monica Granados
Here is a three hour workshop I developed for ecologists to learn how to work in the open. It's licensed CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
I'll be at the sprint in Toronto and would love to contribute!
I'd like to contribute to this project too! In Toronto @Mozilla looking for work to do ;)
No worries @cbahlai I'll see if I can work on some of the models and functions. All the best with the family stuff!
@cbahlai Just checking in to see if there are any particular issues you want me to work on today. I did some minor fixes to the code yesterday.
Definitely will read. I can add notes to the pdf version of the manuscript if you would like!
We just had a request for a live streamed journal club come by at Table 13! Do you want to host your own live streamed preprint journal club - PREreview...