Monica Steffi

Results 7 issues of Monica Steffi

Hi, I am trying MOFA for integrating Proteomics and RNA-seq dataset. I run the following codes. ``` `dd_WO_batch

Dear All, I am trying to install ea-utils without sudo permission. I download the source folder and tried make command g++ -O3 -I. fastq-lib.cpp tidx/tidx-lib.cpp -o varcall varcall.cpp -lgsl -lgslcblas...

Dear Developer, Thank you so much for Kaiju. I performed spade assembly (for the virus) and performed kaiju on assembled contigs. For the reference database, I downloaded the viral database...

Dear All, I am trying to prepare databases for DRAM. I got the following error: prepare_databases --output_dir DRAM_data /dss/dsshome1/0F/ra78zut/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mag_annotator/ UserWarning: Database does not exist at path None warnings.warn("Database does...

Dear Developer, I am trying prokka for viral genome annotation. I got my assembled contigs from spade assembler. When I tried prokka, I got the following warning. Have attached my...

Dear All, I am trying to reconstruct 16S rRNA gene sequences from metagenome and then use those predicted 16S to find functional profiling using picrust2. So I followed the following...

I am trying Cenote-take. Everything was fine until running tbl2asn step. Kindly check the following logfile ``` [tbl2asn] ERROR: Invalid inference value tRNAscan-SE score:33.8 [tbl2asn] ERROR: Invalid inference value tRNAscan-SE...