
Results 4 issues of Daichi

I wanted my PWA to have [shortcut functionality](https://web.dev/app-shortcuts/), so I wrote the code below in the part ```new WebpackPwaManifest({~~~})```: ```javascript icons: [ { src: path.resolve("./icon/logo.png"), // the URL resolved sizes:...

I tried this configuration but it seems setting icon size to a value 'any' is not supported. what I tried: ``` new WebpackPwaManifest({ //~~~~ icons: [ { src: path.resolve("./src/imgs/logo.svg"), sizes:...


- **Component**: - LSP (used with other editor) - **LSP version**: 0.12.1 - **OS version and name**: Manjaro Linux (Kernel 6.7.4) - I am on the [latest](https://github.com/nvarner/typst-lsp/tags) stable version of...