
Results 42 comments of Molti

> In favor of printing, against making them fit in belts. Should beakers be removed from belt too? Because thats currently what happens instead of this. If you think 6...

> Dont like how they can fit in belts, they would not fit. I thought of the vial boxes having a sort of clip that would latch on to the...

I'm also considering removing beakers from the medical belt, probably only if this PR gets merged though

> Make them printable but not able to go in belts okay, easy fix

> Tool speed is still a nice little minor thing that could be worked in. i'll see what i can do about this, do you know of any existing thing...

> You could also look into the code for mood or inventory. On the wiki it says that your sanity effects action speeds, but I i'm not seeing it in...

> As far as I know preternis already cant be dismembered, or it's just really really hard to do it. I've never seen it happen outside of surgery. it might...

should i fuck with preternis's ability to use guns, melee attack, or both?

> Ping on Discord when ready enough for a testmerge i'll test merge once the leg implants PR gets in so i can just replace the ability with an innate...