Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini Zeidabadi

Results 16 comments of Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini Zeidabadi

The library uses [branching]( for `active` and not `active` states. So first of all, you need to explicitly pass in the `active` argument: ``` .shimmering(active: shouldShim) ``` Also, you are...

@marcocpt nice and simple solution. but what about 'ReSwiftRouterStuck' ?

@hlineholm I solved completion issue with this little extension: ```swift extension UINavigationController { func pushViewController( _ viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool, completion: (()->())? = nil) { pushViewController(viewController, animated: animated) guard animated,...

I fixed it by temporary increase frequency of lb and cb as soon as user lifts his finger. but it could be better.

The problem is that SwiftUI animations are very state-oriented. So they animate from the exact state of the object, whether it is desired or not. Seems like sometimes views are...

Looks like you are setting `internalIsFirstResponder` outside of the `body`! You must never change the `@State` from outside. try making it `private` to find where is the cause of this...

Can you provide an example project?

Seems like you have an issue with detecting the correct region for your desired formatting.

Can you provide an example project?