@MrChromebox I know a previous issue with the TPM involved failure to initialize properly from within coreboot, I'm not sure if that's changed since, but I found a publication where...
@MrChromebox Ah, gotcha, too bad then. I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough. Thanks for your continued support of all of these devices!
@MrChromebox You may be way ahead of me on this, but from what I can see, the TPM is ending up in a blocked/locked out state but then cannot be...
I did some digging in the code and I found this: the flag "PcdTpmPhysicalPresence" is always set to true in the link below, but it doesn't matter because it...
@MrChromebox ah you're right, I didn't realize you were only building with the subset of Tianocore's libraries listed here: Well I guess then the solution would almost definitely involve...