I really like to see this feature in the near future. If I can help you, we can come together. I am also a native Android Developer from Germany and...
Can Confirm on Ubuntu 18.04 same agent Version ``` systemctl status logdna-agent.service ● logdna-agent.service - LSB: Starts LogDNA Agent at boot Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/logdna-agent; generated) Active: active (exited) since Sat...
You are right, that should be seperated in two feature requests. The Firebase integration does not track directly that is right, but if you provide a analytics key and enable...
@nunocoracao The idea is good, but I would change a bit in adaption the European rights. The law defines that if the user does nothing, all tracking cookies must be...
@nunocoracao I have now a solution, maybe without editing the current. That is for me a quick solution, maybe not the best. I have figured out that I can overwrite...
I extracted the analytics parts and firebase parts in a private repo, but was not completly happy. Need more time to investigate a better solution.