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Language of UIActivityViewController Does not change when Reset
When Change Language from english to Arabic Or reverse UIAlertViewController does not localized unless i restart the app please i need fix i faced this issue and tried alot but can not find solution.
`let activityViewController = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: sharingItems, applicationActivities: nil)
if let avc = activityViewController.popoverPresentationController {
avc.sourceView = sView
sender.present(activityViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)`
@mEldewaik did you tried UIAlertController instead, I'm using it and it is fine.
@abdallahnh i use UIAlertViewController to share text does UIAlertController do the same ?
@mEldewaik yes sure it does
@abdallahnh the code please 🙏
@mEldewaik can you share a screenshot of what are you trying to localize. I guess you mean UIActivityViewController not UIAlertViewController as there is no such thing AFAIK!
@MoathOthman yes i mean UIActivityViewController it can not be localized unless i close the app and open it again
I don\t there is a straight way to achieve it since its part of uikit and , check on "Other Frameworks and bundles" section , at best you get to change the localization but not the layout.
@MoathOthman i don't think it is the answer as it is already translated but its is not flipped and translated until i close and open the app again .
@mEldewaik I don't think it is possible, but I will look into it soon.
@MoathOthman so can i disable localization for UIActivityViewController and use only english in all cases ?
no because you don't have access to the layout code and the localization is handled in another bundle.
if you can find the localization keys for the strings in the activityview , then there is a way. but i forgot tbh how to do that, if you managed to do that please let me know.
@MoathOthman i saw before application support english and arabic and the UIActivityViewController only in english
it would be interesting to be able to force certain language for certain strings, or even certain view controllers. am not aware of any currently, but will look into it.
@mEldewaik i added some appearance changes please try from master and let me know if this fixed your issue
@abdallahnh so how can i test it please can you advice ? how can i try your fix ?
@abdallahnh i download the pod and implement button and make a share but the issue still exist i can not find solution :(