MOLH copied to clipboard
Localization helper for iOS apps mainly focusing on the LTR/RTL issue
Localization helper for iOS apps mainly focusing on the LTR/RTL issue
Add pod 'MOLH'
to your podfile. (check for more info about cocoapods)
You can install it through Swift package manager as well.
How To Use
import MOLH
When you start the app
Make sure this method is called only once and not on every reset
to not use swizzling and use subclassing from MOLH* UI classes.
To reset the language
MOLH.setLanguageTo(MOLHLanguage.currentAppleLanguage() == "en" ? "ar" : "en")
Set default
Before .activate set
using without swizzling (prefered)
you can choose to not use swizzling MOLH.shared.activate(false)
, in that case you subclass MOLH-UI Subclasses , like MOLHTextField
, this will give you more controlability as you can by-pass the tag requirement by using forceSwitchingRegardlessOfTag
and set it to true.
To make sure an image is flipped when switching to RTL or to LTR, you can use flipIfNeeded()
function on image or UIImage().imageFlippedForRightToLeftLayoutDirection()
Its better to have the app fonts in one place in your app, e.g. a FontManager. and there you can decide which font to use based on the chosen language, this would be the eaiser way.
Other Frameworks and bundles
Some controls such as ActionSheetDatePicker have locale property so you can set them appropriately e.g.
actionSheetDatePicker?.locale = Locale(identifier: MOLHLanguage.currentLocaleIdentifier())
Common Issues
Collection view content are flipped in a non readable way
use this line to solve it
collectionView.semanticContentAttribute = .unspecified
Thanks to didats
you may check this post.
uilabel/uitextfield are not reflecting
make sure to set the tag and make sure the .activate method is only called once and not on every reset
- Twitter : dark_torch
- Website:
- Check my app PuzzPic
Support the library
If you enjoy MOLH and I want to say thank you, you can (buy me a coffee)[]