Moaath Alattas
Moaath Alattas
@TheMagicNacho I was able to use `preact-testing-library` by defining a global document as mentioned [here]( ```ts import { DOMParser } from "[email protected]" import { render } from "[email protected][email protected]"; // make...
@sigmaSd could you show an example of how you are using `JSDOM`? Whenever i use `JSDOM`, the test runner never ends the process so I am using `LinkeDOM` for now....
@marvinhagemeister added tests and left comments inline for new updates since last time. Let me know if there is anything else needed.
> One thing I was wondering while going through the changes if there is a way to combine `staticFile` with `asset`. It seems like the intention of the CDN url...
@darlanjunior could you share the trigger? Also, how did you bypass the error `Error sending sms: sms Provider could not be found`
> You can safely ignore the error and just attempt to sign in. It only works once per user, unfortunately. thanks @darlanjunior! after some digging I created a db function...
> Hey did you figure out a solution? I am getting the same error on drizzle-kit push Add `driver: "turso"` in your config file and make sure all env variables...