
Results 10 comments of mozhouqi

你好,我没有用过 `WMPageController`,你看能否提供个 Demo 我来调试下。

你的 clipsToBounds 属性是在啥时候设置的?

Hi @Mazorati, I tried your code and it still looked normal, so could you give me the complete demo?

@toto263 Hi, there are three patch versions, are any of them working properly?

> > @toto263 Hi, there are three patch versions, are any of them working properly? > > I applied the patch on KMNavigationBarTransition/UIViewController+KMNavigationBarTransition.m only. > > ``` > if (@available(iOS...

> I could solve my issue by adding the following lines at _km_addTransitionNavigationBarIfNeeded_ of _UIViewController+KMNavigationBarTransition.m_ > > ``` > - (void)km_addTransitionNavigationBarIfNeeded { > ... > bar.barStyle = self.navigationController.navigationBar.barStyle; > bar.tintColor...

@iBinbro 你好,我试了下 `Hero` 这个库自带的 example 结合 `KMNavigationBarTransition` 没有发现问题,可能需要你提供一份 demo 方便我调试下。

> > @iBinbro 你好,我试了下 `Hero` 这个库自带的 example 结合 `KMNavigationBarTransition` 没有发现问题,可能需要你提供一份 demo 方便我调试下。 > > 大佬能看看我的问题在哪吗🌹 你好,目前看起来是 `present` 之后再执行 `push` 操作才会有问题,具体原因还得抽空排查下。

是的,这段时间系统导航栏的背景色被隐藏了,只是 fake bar 在那做动效交互。

Hi @MemetGhini, could you give me a demo to reproduce the crash?