Results 18 issues of ming

I have written an code about getting the svg element imported by embed, but it is failed. Here is the code: ```rust html! { } ``` I can get the...


### Describe the Bug Can not find the api of `URL` in web_sys and js_sys. Is it defined in wasm-bindgen? ### dependiences wasm-bindgen = "0.2"




The official website has been blocked for days in china. Just because of the cdn `jsdelivr` is blocking may be blocked forever. I found that just import the library docsearch...

As the title, there is no documentation i can find about how to use pseduo class in stylist-rs.

waiting for author

![image]( As the screen-shot, the breakpoint i add in the file of _build/default is dislocated, and some are unrerified.


The breakpoint can not be add in the source file, when i click the line in source file, the breakpoint is added in the file located in _build/default directory. Screen-shot...


I would like to sponsor some money to this project, but i can not find any button or link.

Hi, i add earlybird debugger support in my fork of rescript-vscode. I think the visual debugger support can let more people easily to understand the OCaml analysis code logic and...