Shruti Mittal
Shruti Mittal
hi @alexcannan how did you load the `model.json` in the browser. I am new to js. I have kept the `model.json` file that you get after `tensorflowjs_converter` in the `src`...
I was not using a server. `http-server` resolved the issue
@alexcannan I am a bit confused as to why are you using `model.predict` to get the transcription. I looked at `evaluate` code, it has `ds.stt(audio)` to transcribe an audio....
I am getting the same error, while using google-auth in react, on chrome browser. The authentication was working fine just yesterday. I am using a button to call the authentication...
as @jcvasquezc said, you need to install cupy (your cuda version) + ^this resolves the error
ok, my data is only ~10hrs, I am using google colab GPU right now, which is Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB. I tried with 16 workers. But time is almost the same. Earlier...
couldn't find anything to upgrade CPU in google colab (for my country - non US). I ll set up a vCPU=16 (or 32) machine on GCP to train then. And...
Hey, I tried on P100, num_workers=16 (/8). It still takes pretty long to train 1 epoch ~4hrs. Tried playing with batch size as well. My GPU usage is intermittent (obviously...
Ok, I ll try the caching. Bdw I am not using GDrive or Colab. Everything is on Google Compute - data, model, training.
Hi @pswietojanski I am not able to get the caching working. I tried to set `--cache_on_load` and `--trans_cache=True` but it throws error. What should be passed to the --trans_cache argument?...