Is there any guidance available on how to load/access the Claims once Ws-Federation is configured without Identity? Seems the options.CallbackPath needs to be configured to an endpoint where the claims...
Hi Team, I am evaluating this RulesEngine for a solution that requires evaluating rules for data filtering. I have a workflow with 13 rules. If any of the Rules evaluates...
### Describe the Bug with repro steps 1. Setup an action to trigger every time a file is uploaded to Blob storage. ``` { "type": "ApiConnection", "inputs": { "host": {...
var mailListener = new MailListener({ username:'email here', password:'pass here', host:'', port:995, tls: true, tlsOptions: {rejectUnauthorized: false}, mailbox: 'INBOX', searchFilter: ['UNSEEN'], markSeen: true, fetchUnreadOnStart: true, mailParserOptions: {streamAttachments: true}, attachments: false, attachmentOptions:{directory:...
public static bool TryGetRequestIdentifier(this HttpRequestMessage request, out string requestIdentifier) { request?.Headers.TryGetValues("client-id", out IEnumerable _); requestIdentifier = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); return true; } What is the purpose of `request?.Headers.TryGetValues("client-id", out IEnumerable _)`?
When trying to invoke Extension methods, the engine throws method not found exception. I am assuming because typeof() returns the base type and thus the extensions methods are not visible....