I am facing the same issue, but I only use `actions/cache@v3`, `actions/checkout@v3` `actions/setup-node@v3` besides this one. So the problem seems not be related by repo-sync/pull-request Here is my log: https://github.com/vuepress-theme-hope/vuepress-theme-hope/runs/5827815705?check_suite_focus=true...
I can try that, but I am making deployment to different repos, and I am deploying them one by one, so how could I face this issue? BTW, I temporily...
That's a third party syntax, and why should reveal js support it ?
Maybe you should try to pass the CI?
Any update about this PR?
Sorry to interrupt, but any new version release plan? A whole month passes
感谢贡献,但其实我个人觉得不是很有必要。如果你真的遇到了恶意攻击,那么你应该在postsave钩子里对评论进行特征检测与屏蔽,postsave钩子也可以用来二次校验requiredMeta。 添加这个环境变量会增加配置的复杂性,而且本质上requiredMeta仅用于用户提醒,如果用户想要规避的话随意填就可以了。
1. 你应该修改 index.js 2. 如果某些项传入非法值会引发故障,那么就有必要做一个类型检查。检查包括ua评论之类的全部类型是否正确。这的确是我们没有考虑到的。你应该去开一个issue。@lizheming cc 3. 如果你觉得hook文档写得云里雾里,那我的意见是加入更多的环境变量也只会让人更加的云里雾里,而且这并不防止我random一个字符串接着给你灌评论,我坚持认为这个环境变量的添加无意义。