
Results 157 comments of Tomasz

@frenck I'd like to ask for leaving the `generic_thermostat` or at least something that could be used for a genetic thermostat. I don't use any thermostat from the market (like...

> > I've noticed that Climate 1.0 has an open PR ([home-assistant/home-assistant#23899](, maybe all the issues mentioned here could be addressed? This would help us a lot. > > @Misiu...

@frenck could You take a look at this approach: it is based on Climate 1.0. I'm with @b4dpxl on that. Maybe now, with Climate 1.0 released, we can settle...

Also please add `Office365` in `ExchangeVersion`. This way we could do this `new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Office365)`. I'm aware that selecting `Exchange2013_SP1` works, but `Office365` could be an alias and it "feels" better.

@snarum my final workaround was to move processed emails into folder (called `Imported` for example). This way I don't care about that time and I'm sure I don't miss anything.

@mseemann I've fixed screenshot showing current version. Could You please update title to: "Add ability to show arrow". Thanks!

@egmfrs take a look at this I had same problem.

@egmfrs please let me know if this will work for You. I've created that code a couple of hours ago and it still needs tests, so any comments are more...

@Grovkillen so the next `ESP_Easy_Flasher` will be based on Electron? I really like Your tool, it helped a lot when I started using ESPEasy. It would be awesome to have...