
Results 157 comments of Tomasz

Hi, this is a possible duplicate of It should be fixed in the latest version - If you use HACS an update should show, if not download

In my case after upgrading from 5.5.4 to 5.5.5 I'm getting errors with URL: /_next/static/**bGWRlkfVvBotI6NYz**-q5I/_buildManifest.js When downgraded to 5.5.4 this error is gone, but some images aren't displaying.

@kamisama any news on this one? It would be awesome to have this build in :)

@zdar did you use nextion LCD? or maybe other types could be used?

:+1: on Ext 4.2.1 There is bug in ButtonSegment when it is added to toolbar. ![toolbar1]( buttons get classes: ``` x-btn-default-small x-btn-default-small-icon-text-left ``` but they should get: ``` x-btn-default-toolbar-small x-btn-default-toolbar-small-icon-text-left...

> Hi @flaviendelangle, I appreciate you and your team working on time picker and I know that you need to stay with material design. But personally, I hate material time...

I have a similar requirement. I need to show time as a dropdown list (clients will be able to pick hours from a predefined list). Ideally, I'd like to show...

I'm using context.js ( for context menu, inside it I'm adding item a special class ("clipboard" in my case) and then I'm initializing ZeroClipboard like this: ``` //INIT ZeroClipboard.config({ moviePath:...

@marcguyer mouseout doesn't fire, Your button is just loosing pseudo css class `.btn:hover`. this can be easily fixed: [jsfiddle]( this is happening because when You hover over button flash object...