Igor Mishurin
Igor Mishurin
Thank you for the quick reply Rob! I have tried just what you said - it worked for build. It was able to compile with the following output: Creating Kha...
Yes this tool worked fine - generated proper ogg file. I just put it in the asset folder and the build step which presumed wav-ogg conversion was omitted. The 'bulletShoot_ogg'...
I have created a fork from original tutorial repo: https://github.com/Mishurin/KhaShmup My development environment: - ubuntu 16 - armsdk v(?) some recent build. changes.md says about some issues fixed as of...
Hi Rob, I reverted the wav file but I cannot see this way any output from build as I already mentioned. Build is just hanging. Running it with "CTRL+SHIFT+P" ->...
Something like renderOpts.data = opts.data + sourceText; Then we can make sass injections right from the stencil.config
Otherwise you will get broken html code examples as I got.
> I didn't have any issues mocking an OPTIONS call. Just added a `__/OPTIONS.mock` in my mocks dir with > > ``` > HTTP/1.1 200 OK > content-encoding: gzip >...