JAGCS icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
JAGCS copied to clipboard

Just another ground control station

Results 59 JAGCS issues
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I have successfully compiled the branch "Master" on MacOS 10.14. Everything seems to work so far. I can connect to Pixhawk Cube with Arducopter 4.0.4 via UDP or Serial, but...

JAGCS can't recognize to which AP it is connected to, and uses deprecated flight mode selection mechanism, suitable only for ardupilot 3.9.x. https://mavlink.io/en/messages/common.html#SET_MODE

``` QGeoTileProviderOsm: Tileserver disabled at QUrl("http://maps-redirect.qt.io/osm/5.8/satellite") QGeoTileFetcherOsm: all providers resolved : QML QQuickLayoutAttached: Binding loop detected for property "leftMargin" : QML QQuickLayoutAttached: Binding loop detected for property "leftMargin" : QML...

QTGamepad is missing in ubuntu 18.04, you should install QT by web installer.


Use Google Earth data to adjust waypoints height. As described in http://ardupilot.org/planner/docs/common-planning-a-mission-with-waypoints-and-events.html


After mission point editing, it should automatically be saved and uploaded to the UAV.

- Double click - mission point edit. - Add points on map, right click to drop-down menu. - Edit circle radius with drag. - Change circling direction with double click....

Move mission planning functionality from the panel to on-map widget

Think about different localization for: Скачать/Загрузить миссию Последовательный (связь)