Michaela Robosova
Michaela Robosova
Hi @nick2432, thanks for volunteering. Let's wait a day or two for @a6ar55 to confirm whether they're working on it or no. Then we can possibly re-assign.
Thanks for letting us know, @a6ar55. I am re-assigning to @nick2432.
Hi @laynestephens, thanks! You're welcome to give this a try. There are many comments by @rtibbles with useful guidance - please have a look. Do not hesitate to ask any...
Hi @laynestephens, yes sure. We will need @adviti-mishra to comment on this issue so I can assign them.
Hi @adviti-mishra and @laynestephens, since we haven't seen activity here for a long time, I will assign you, If you're still interested, you're welcome to messages us and we can...
Hi @Wck-iipi, are you still planning to work on this or would it be better to unassign?
Hello @Pursottam6003, thank you for your interest. As you volunteered for more issues and already have some of them assigned, I'm leaving this unassigned for now in case someone else...
Hi @nikkuAg, what exactly would you need to know at this point?
Thanks @himanshuc3, yes I think it'd be better to find "help wanted" issue
Hi @deveshidwivedi, is this issue work in progress or should we unassign?