I would like to report the same issue on Mac unfortunately.. (Catalina, if relevant)
Stata 13. I used the same notebook as the original poster, it is the example notebook you can find here : https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/kylebarron/stata_kernel/blob/master/examples/Example.ipynb
Unfortunately no change.. A second strange observation is that when I remove the second scatter graph from the code, and so try out: use "https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/stata/notes/hsb2", clear scatter read math, title("Reading...
I understand, thank you for your time. For what it is worth: The graph is shown, however, in STATA and I can see that it is exported to .stata_kernel_cache/.
After setting as svg, I receive this problem code: output-file suffix "svg" not recognized specify correct suffix or specify as() option r(198); r(198); r(198); Furthermore, I see in STATA that...
That sounds great, I am looking forward to the new version then! Yes I am aware of estout. Regarding estout/esttab, I have used the refcat functionality to include headers in...