Very cool - thanks!
Thanks too! I'm really bad at CSS, so I just did very basic, simple stuff.
I ran into this as well. I haven't had time to properly disable extensions one by one, however the problem for me triggers if I hide the Settings tab.
> Hi! I'm using the accordion from your plugin and it is perfect! I think I found a bug: in [L244 of script.js](https://github.com/giterlizzi/dokuwiki-plugin-bootswrapper/blob/master/script.js#L244) the accordion_id is created using the random...
> Hello. Will the plugin support PHP 8? It's currently giving me errors > > `arning: Undefined array key 4 in /usr/home/ookris/domains/winiso.pl/public_html/lib/plugins/bootswrapper/syntax/label.php on line 45 Warning: Undefined array key 4...
Yes... that error, and others: ` 2023-08-13 21:26:56E_WARNING: Undefined array key "size"/home/fswiki/public_html/lib/plugins/bootswrapper/syntax/well.php(42) #0 /home/fswiki/public_html/lib/plugins/bootswrapper/syntax/well.php(42): dokuwiki\ErrorHandler::errorHandler(2, 'Undefined array...', '/home/fswiki/pu...', 42) #1 /home/fswiki/public_html/inc/parser/renderer.php(119): syntax_plugin_bootswrapper_well->render('xhtml', Object(Doku_Renderer_xhtml), Array) #2 /home/fswiki/public_html/inc/parserutils.php(700): Doku_Renderer->plugin('bootswrapper_we...', Array, 1, '')...
More.... `2023-08-13 23:35:31E_WARNING: Undefined array key 4/home/fswiki/public_html/lib/plugins/bootswrapper/syntax/accordion.php(45) #0 /home/fswiki/public_html/lib/plugins/bootswrapper/syntax/accordion.php(45): dokuwiki\ErrorHandler::errorHandler(2, 'Undefined array...', '/home/fswiki/pu...', 45) #1 /home/fswiki/public_html/inc/parser/renderer.php(119): syntax_plugin_bootswrapper_accordion->render('xhtml', Object(Doku_Renderer_xhtml), Array) #2 /home/fswiki/public_html/inc/parserutils.php(700): Doku_Renderer->plugin('bootswrapper_ac...', Array, 4, '') #3 /home/fswiki/public_html/inc/parserutils.php(158): p_render('xhtml', Array, NULL)...
Our sysadmin adds: https://www.dokuwiki.org/changes#release_2022-07-31b_igor it looks like code changes in 31b `Refactored logging mechanism 3230, 3203 and logviewer` i suspect thats whats broken it
Any news here? We are still pending the Doluwiki upgrade as this issue is blocking.
Work-around, for any others affected: 1. In Dokuwiki settings, set the template to Dokuwiki 2. run the upgrader 3. set the template back to Bootstrap3 4. cross fingers'n'toes that there...