
Results 4 issues of Miraihi

I'm not sure if I'm the only one who reads web novels in Japanese, but a support for that site is a must for any web novel parser in my...


**Describe the bug** Getting the error each time I click "start inpaint/img2img/txt2img" in Krita. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Insert any settings 2. Click "start inpaint/img2img/txt2img" **Screenshots**...

First of all, thank you very much Interpause, sddebz and other contributors for such an amazing extension, a real gamechanger. Nonetheless, I still find myself communicating with the web-interface quite...

good first issue

Hello, Acly. I'm enjoying your plugin a lot. Since I'm using Krita-SD plugins mainly for inpainting, it surprized me how this function works in your plugin. Even though the weirdest...