Inverted the layering of preprocessor blocks in Intrinsics.h, since it is more compiler-specific than machine-specific. Added ARMv8 machine targets macros to replace home-spun examples in AES.cpp and SHA1.cpp. Renamed x86-64...
This PR doubles as a way to ask what are Dolphin Emulator's plans for moving to C++20? Is the issue that GCC still defaults to C++17 in version 12? Other...
Tiny refactor. I could go further in a few places, but didn't feel like speculating too hard. These are the obvious ones.
Crazy idea I had for a pull request. Upon closer inspection of the [Coding Style Guidelines](, I may have overdone it (it only is intended to be followed within for...
BitFieldView.h is a C++23-ish library which supersedes C bit structs and Dolphin's former BitField.h library. This commit serves as a base for upcoming pull requests which eradicate the aforementioned methods...
Replace as many bitfield structs with Common's BitField as was simple to do.
This PR is part 1 of splitting the monolithic PR #10610. It is dependent on PR #10846.
This is a small one. I noticed while working on a different PR that UReg_SR is almost entirely unused.
This PR is part 2 of splitting the monolithic PR #10610. It is dependent on PR #10846.
This tiny PR is part 5 of splitting the monolithic PR #10610. It is dependent on PR #10846. I really did not know where else to put this change, so...