Louis Lagrange

Results 51 comments of Louis Lagrange

I have not tried other releases but using this commit works great https://github.com/bizz84/SwiftyStoreKit/commit/e518abea746857ea2b3348ade9e9143d88d7e431

Thanks! Can you maybe add this to the example repo instead of the library's?

Yes I'm aware and this is a bit of pain to debug, I welcome help here :)

Hi, thanks for your feedback. :) The value indicated [here](https://github.com/web-push-libs/web-push-php#how-can-i-disable-or-customize-automatic-padding) might be outdated. Maybe try with setAutomaticPadding(X), where X < 3052?

With hindsight, I don't think the length of automatic padding is wrong here. You would have received a [413 error](http://autopush.readthedocs.io/en/latest/http.html#errors). It looks like a sync problem through the GCM bridge...

Hi @stephanvierkant, we now have integration tests running once again thanks to #330. Can you rebase please? Thanks