
Results 8 issues of 叁只仓鼠

[简介-CoreMod-使用FML等ModLoader的原因](https://xfl03.gitbook.io/coremodtutor/1-jian-jie/1.1#shi-yong-fml-deng-modloader-de-yuan-yin) **有一行文字表述不清** `CoreMod可以通过修改其他类的行为是直接修改文件还是在运行时动态修改分为两种类型` --- [Java虚拟机-ByteCode字节码](https://xfl03.gitbook.io/coremodtutor/2/2.2) **文章无内容** --- [原版CoreMod-LaunchWrapper-加载流程](https://xfl03.gitbook.io/coremodtutor/3-yuan-ban-coremod/3.3#jia-zai-liu-cheng) **代码有误** ```java final URLClassLoader ucl = (URLClassLoader) getClass().getClassLoader(); classLoader = new LaunchClassLoader(ucl.getURLs()); ... Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(classLoader); ``` * 由于从Java9开始,不再默认使用`URLClassLoader`而是`AppClassLoader`,在Java9及以上的版本这一行代码会发生`ClassCastException`导致游戏[崩溃](https://github.com/Mojang/LegacyLauncher/pull/11),直到ModLauncher才修复了这一问题 ```java final URLClassLoader ucl =...

The examples code address in the [wiki](https://github.com/SpongePowered/Mixin/wiki/Introduction-to-Mixins---Understanding-Mixin-Architecture) is no longer available, please change it in time > This is not a tutorial! This introduction is not intended as a tutorial,...


I noticed a yarn translation was not correctly: **In the `FireBlock` class, all the words about burn and spread are wrong.** For example, `burnChances` is actually `spreadChances`, and `spreadChances` is...


请按照一下格式提交issue,谢谢! 1. 你当前使用的是哪个版本的 MinDoc(`godoc_linux_amd64 version`)? v2.1-beta.5 2. 你当前使用的是什么操作系统? debian 10.2 3. 你是如何操作的? 书写 markdown 内容: ``` 正弦:对边比斜边 $\sin A = \frac {a} {c}$ $\sin B = \frac {b} {c}$ ```...

as the title, it is suggested to add `replaceText` to the title ``` @Contract(pure = true) @NotNull Component replaceText(final @NotNull TextReplacementConfig config); ``` allow it to replace text in both...

type: enhancement
area: api

I don't know exactly how this bug was generated, but when I deleted the coordinate [thermalexpansion:machine_pulverizer] using worldedit in the report, the server no longer crashed. Maybe this bug has...

version: 1.12.x

I like this software very much. Can we provide I18N interface for community members to translate into their own language? I think it's very helpful for the promotion of this...


I want to import your code in my project using Maven. But your Maven repository cannot be used in my area because it is often inaccessible for network reasons. So...