I have solved this problem with #3 Exactly using the following commands: `$ sudo apt-get update` `$ sudo apt-get install gdebi` `$ wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/protobuf/libprotobuf9v5_2.6.1-1.3_amd64.deb` `$ sudo gdebi ./libprotobuf9v5_2.6.1-1.3_amd64.deb` and I...
Firstly, Thanks for your answer. And My question is that the x Axis of the fifth coordinate need to be determined by the z Axis of the sixth coordinate and...
有可能是注释掉了,因为在虚拟环境中无法产生人机交互的情况,例如拖拽使得传感器产生数值变化。但是我敢肯定之前的一些版本中存在能够读取末端六维力数据的`urdf` 希望你可以查找过去release的文件,或者尝试从网上寻找解决方案
Hybrid Position Force Control 后边描述了此功能不在维护,在多次删改程序的过程中,没有考虑到该功能,所以在当前版本中至留下了导纳,阻抗和小车一起的混合柔顺控制,所以请原谅我无法给出明确的解决问题方案。 1. 加载问题可能是由launch文件导致,建议查看launch文件 2. waiting for the state 可能是话题名字不对,可以查看源代码或者launch文件 3. 话题发布 建议用tab键补全,谢谢 祝你好运~
Please check this [link](https://github.com/MingshanHe/Compliant-Control-and-Application/tree/noetic/robot_controllers/msg), and The [workflow](https://github.com/MingshanHe/Compliant-Control-and-Application/blob/noetic/.github/workflows/main.yml) is also worked successfully, so I don't know why it occurs to you and not in auto compiling in the workflow.
I have solved this problem. I think the operating system you have used is `windows` and the python file in it needs a remote API file to run. So I...
These two files are contained in the location where the software `CoppeliaSim` is installed. Exactly, `CoppeliaSim/programming/remoteApiBindings/lib/lib/`. I can not guarantee the difference between the PC. Hope this will help you.
Hi, this is the problem of command. I think you could search for some sample commands in google.