When I feed a 1000ms audio data into the feature extraction process, frame length is 25ms, frame shift is 10ms.it should be 98 frames in total, but in your code,...
I try to link the ApproxMVBB::Core library in my own project like this: ` # --- Find MVBB dependencies include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/SetTargetCompileOptions.cmake) set(ApproxMVBB_DIR "E:/017MinimumBoundingBox/ApproxMVBB-MVBB/build/install/cmake") get_filename_component( ApproxMVBB_DIR ${ApproxMVBB_DIR} ABSOLUTE ) message(STATUS "ApproxMVBB_DIR:" ${ApproxMVBB_DIR})...
when I build the peoject by cmake, it takes too long time in the process of Fetching Boost, about 2 hours. And the project stop build here. What can I...