
Results 14 comments of MingLi-929

> I recently installed ChIPseeker and everything is working fine except by the fact that functions plotPeakProf() and plotPeakProf2() are not available. " Error in plotPeakProf2(peak = peak, upstream =...

i am a little bit confuesd about this statement > We should change to using ensemble ID as default when passing an EnsDb to the TxDb parameter. but i carefully...

1. The first question of misuse of `precede()`. I agree with it! An example is showed below. ``` library(ChIPseeker) library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene) txdb (1244466,1247057) ## peak[2] is ahead of features[9934] ``` The...

1. Error description We need to reproduce the situation of this error. First, we need to reorganize the peak file to meet the need. We change the seqlevels of the...

``` plotAvgProf2

Without having your data to test, it is hard to make any precise judgement. There is a problem needed to be aware of.Is there any scientific reference to support the...

> As far as I know, it is also not a required argument to create a GRanges. Definitely, there is no need to create a Granges by adding any argument....

Thank a lot for your feed back! The function is almost finished with a little testings need to be done. Maybe two days or three days

pls try this https://github.com/YuLab-SMU/ChIPseeker/pull/190#issuecomment-1136120619 to see if this function meet your need.