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Applying ChIPseeker to single base resolution sequencing
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I got single-base resolution data of 5-fc sites. I would like to know the genomic distribution of all these sites. I was wondering if it is applicable and proper to make the sites (e.g. chr1: 2000) into a bed file by ±10bp (chr1: 1990-2010 ), read them to chipseeker, then use plotAnnopie to see the genomic distribution of the these 5-fc modification sites ?
Without having your data to test, it is hard to make any precise judgement.
There is a problem needed to be aware of.Is there any scientific reference to support the action of flanking the site by 10bp. Or will it disturbance you data by flanking you data.
If just ignore this problem and you make correct action to make a proper bed file, the answer to your question will be yes. You can use ChIPseeker
to annotate your 5-fc data.