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Base Metals Mod
NetherMetals got their "Anti-OP" Feature with exploding (which you could make configurable to indeed do damage and not only alert pigmen) but EndMetals seems to have None. I'd like to...
Either from a new item called "Steel chain link" or just straight steel nuggets, you should be able to craft chainmail. Chain links made from 4 steel nuggets in an...
[2:53 PM] RacerDelux: ok so you have to make your own ShapedOreRecipe [2:53 PM] RacerDelux: and implement thse methods [2:53 PM] RacerDelux: public class MPBRecipe extends ShapedOreRecipe{ public MPBRecipe(Block result,...
I love the cold iron armor, but it is a little OP for how easy it is to get. Also, from a mythology standpoint, it doesn't make sense. The cold...
I would love too see coins added too this mod. I would like too see coins out of ever metal. Thanks for your time.
Because it has Little small dots, not the typical minecraft style.
Hey, i just downloaded Base Minerals. 1. Why is there no Silicon ore? As far is i know Silicon in english does not mean what we in Germany understand when...
Right now the blacksmith villagers trade different metals. I would suggest a config option to disable that.