Mindy ZHAO
Mindy ZHAO
**The problem is :**I just write a csv file, but if I want to print it. I should **read** it first. Additionally, if I want to print the contents of...
I tried another solution: ```python from pyecharts.charts import bar ``` It seems it works, but I am not sure if it is the proper way to solve the problem.
I find a useful Github website which is detailed, but I tried the steps and it did not work. https://github.com/pyecharts/pyecharts
Thank you all a lot!! It works now when I use ``` !pip3 install pyecharts==v1.0.0 ```. It seems there are two editions, and the other edition did not work. I...
> @MindyZHAOMinzhu can you help to revise the corresponding section, so future readers would use v1.0.0 by default? > > (later we can revise the whole chapter in order to...
Thank you a lot!!! I get it!!! At first, I did not find the proper attribute in the html. It seems I did not go through the right website!! I...
``` !echo $PATH ``` ``` !ls ``` ``` ! pwd ```
Thank you so much!!!!!! I get it. My solution is as followed, it may help others. ### The first step ---- check the path ``` !echo $PATH ``` use this...
Can I use `sys.path.append(your_path_string_here)` in my code in my jupyternotebook? Or use it in the terminal?
I try to use terminal to get venv, but it seems I get the same path.