Pol Lluís Leno
Pol Lluís Leno
/tryCheck if you're the only one trying 👇Ups... someone else is already trying to solve this issue! You can still try to do it, but maybe you should contact the...
👋🏿 I believe it is not possible to control how "external links" are handled by a device. Since we do not have direct control over which specific browser or external...
Hello @georgjaehnig, I'm afraid that `target="_blank"` will only work for desktop and links outside of the scope. (aka any link outsive trovu.net). Without it, the browser will not trigger, I...
https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI/blob/ee2c5fa72d4fc1714576fac7ba64aa5d607303d0/main.py#L216 Could it work if I simply added more workers to the thread? (will try tomorrow) Would you accept a PR to have the amount of concurrent workers as a...
Hello there 👋🏿 , @xopino and myself have been pair programming a bit. Together we came up with a possible approach to resolve the issue. We've iterated the test provided...
Closing the first pull request to fix the bug on the earlier mantained branch, aKa 5.4 **🤗** There's one issue about the test, given the `enable_authenticator_manager` parameter was [removed](https://github.com/symfony/symfony/pull/47890), tests...