How to use it with Activity and not fragment?
We are trying to use following code, ``` BleClientManager.getInstance().notify(address.trim(), OTA_GATT_SERVICE_UUID, OTA_GATT_CHARACTERIC_IDENTIFY_UUID, new BleNotifyResponse() { @Override public void onNotify(UUID service, UUID character, byte[] value) { Log.i("DownloadFirmware","onNotify gets called.."); response.onNotify(service, character, value);...
Hi, I have followed steps and opened index.php under root folder, but getting following error > Error Number: 1146 > > Table 'mb_placements.shj_sessions' doesn't exist > > INSERT INTO `shj_sessions`...
We are working with many clients where each client has their own slack account, so would like to see the ability to add webhook or plugin setting under each project...