Miley Hollenberg

Results 28 comments of Miley Hollenberg

[Editor.log]( The crashes are seemingly increasing again today..

Hey there, I tried to update to 2021.3.26f1 yesterday with the same thought but no real change. The same crash still occurs at random intervals. Is there any way to...

Here you go, ``` public void Init() { if (_hasInitialized || !IsReady) return; _hasInitialized = true; _setUserData = Functions.GetHttpsCallable("setUserData_V1"); _getUserData = Functions.GetHttpsCallable("getUserData_V1"); _getAdSlots = Functions.GetHttpsCallable("getNextAdsForUser_V1"); _userCompletedAd = Functions.GetHttpsCallable("userCompletedAd_V1"); LoadCommandsFromFile(); OnReady?.Invoke(this,...

Oh and the Functions variable is setup in a different class, ``` private void InitializeFirebase() { // Setup Firebase // AppOptions options = AppOptions.LoadFromJsonConfig(GameManager.Instance.GoogleServicesJsonFile.text); FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync().ContinueWith(task => { Assert.IsNull(task.Exception); App =...

Oh and I'm calling it at least once per minute, and never any calls at the same time because of the queueing system of-course. Max I would say 5 per...

FYI, I'm currently upgrading my project to the 2022 LTS but I already had my first crash with the same stacktrace unfortunately

@KSF000 Interesting, but I don't think that's my issue here, all my libraries have the same version (whenever I upgrade them I make sure to upgrade all of them to...

Has there been any update on this? I've got a similar use-case but for a Unity specific library for both iOS and Android which has code inside `#if UNITY_IOS` and...