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Nephtys Open Source MMORPG Written in C++17
Nephtys is an open-source MMORPG based on ancient egypt written in modern C++. Nephtys is a 2.5D isometric game with strategic and turn-based oriented battle system.
Below is the list of prerequisites to compile Nephtys
on your machine:
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Add remotes
To be able to add the list of nephtys dependency remotes please type the following command:
conan config install .conan/remotes/
To build the project please follow the instructions below:
mkdir build ## bash or powershell
cd build ## bash or powershell
conan install --build missing ../.conan/linux ## osx or windows or linux
cmake --build . --config Release
Running the tests
Built With
- SFML - Game framework used
- nlohmann::json - Json framework used
- EnTT - ECS framework used.
- doom::strong_type - C++ strong type library
- doom::meta - C++ metaprogramming utilities
- doctest - Testing framework used
Code of Conduct
Before any contribution please read our CODE OF CONDUCT.
Please read, contain the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Roman Sztergbaum - Co-Creator - Milerius
- Clément Doumergue - Co-Creator - Doom
- Arthur Cros - Co-Creator - Riz-cros
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
see the LICENSE file for details.
- Viktor Kirilov onqtam for the awesome
framework. - Michele Caini skypjack for permanent help and explanations and
. - Ithare ( blogger for awesome game design tutorial.
Badges | |
Travis (Linux/Osx) | |
AppVeyor | |
LGTM | |
Codacy | |
Issues | |
License | ![]() This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. |
Report.CI (AppVeyor) | AppVeyor VS15_2017_Win64_Dbg: AppVeyor VS15_2017_Win64_Release: |
Report.CI (Travis Linux) | g++-8-Dbg: g++-8-Dbg-ASAN: g++-8-Dbg-TSAN: g++-8-Dbg-UBSAN: g++-8-Dbg-Ninja: g++-8-Rls: g++-8-Rls-Ninja: clang-8-Rls: clang-8-Dbg: clang-8-Dbg-ASAN: clang-8-Dbg-TSAN: clang-8-Dbg-UBSAN: |
Report.CI (Travis OSX) | clang-8-Dbg: clang-8-Rls: |
Coveralls (Coverage Linux) | |
CodeCov (Coverage OSX) | |
Codefactor | |
Docs | |
Bintray Linux | |
Bintray OSX | |
HitCount | |
Line of Code | |
Conventional Commit |