Sztergbaum Roman

Results 78 comments of Sztergbaum Roman

Any news ? still not working :(-

Any news about this ? i'm using bake into I wonder how we should configure test directory etc. Best Regards and awesome job buddy ;)

If I want to use a different test frameworks like Google test or doctest for example ? It's still possible ?

Hey really nice PR ! We are near something usable I guess !

Hello it seems that when I use several monitors when moving the application window from one monitor to another part of the window becomes invisible. Main monitor: When switching to...

Why not simply do: ```go

For lua you probably want to look into sol2 -> For python you probably want to look into pybind11 -> Other scripting language such as ChaiScript ->

I will do it anyway for my game engine, i'm using lua as scripting langage and i plan to use bsf, so i will probably do it and then make...