Milad Akarie

Results 241 comments of Milad Akarie

@wendux Please consider adding this one to your ducomention. [PrettyDioLogger](

@DavBfr who wrote the 'arabic.dart' file? the code causing the issue interrupts the logical flow, there must be a reason for this work around.

Hey @anastr, can you help with this? ```dart if (isNewWordArabic) { isNewWordArabic = false; for (final notArabicNewWord in notArabicWords) { yield '${String.fromCharCodes(notArabicNewWord)} '; } notArabicWords.clear(); yield String.fromCharCodes(_resolveLigatures(newWord)); } else {...

Hello @DavBfr do you think you could publish the release with #990 pull request soon?

In auto_route you have easy access to inherited path params. ``` context.routeData.inhertiedPathParams; ```

@tapkain @lloydrichards if you watch any router you'll get a rebuild everytime the stack changes. ```dart context.watchRouter.topRoute; // or context.watchTabsRouter.topRoute; ``` what I usually do is watch the topRoute directly...

@tapkain guess I'm gonna make both appBar and bottomNavigation builders rebuild on global stack changes.

@tapkain check out the new version ` auto_route: 3.0.2` please close if this resolves your issue.

@koral-- Not sure what's going on here, popUntilRouteWithName is just a helper function that calls popUntil on the native NavigatorState so there isn't much code on my side. any idea...

Hello @subzero911 I really love the idea, but in my case I can't just pass a callback function they way you proposed because here we're in the static realm. I'll...