
Results 9 comments of Kay

> 试试卸载后跑一次普通安装, #54 还是一样,端口都可以通,另一个vps改了dns没用

> 53端口要开udp协议哦 有udp的

> Run the following commands to kill api processes. > > ``` > pm2 kill > pm2 flush > cd /var/www/html/arclight > ``` > > ``` > pm2 start npm...

> Run the following commands to kill api processes. > > ``` > pm2 kill > pm2 flush > cd /var/www/html/arclight > ``` > > ``` > pm2 start npm...

I did try to log out and login again but it didn't work. I am using Ubuntu20.04.4LTS Sorry for asking this but how to check the logs of novnc?

``` /var/www/html/arclight/apps/noVNC/utils/websockify/websockify/websocket.py:30: UserWarning: no 'numpy' module, HyBi protocol will be slower warnings.warn("no 'numpy' module, HyBi protocol will be slower") WebSocket server settings: - Listen on :6080 - Web server. Web...

> According to last line the noVNC process is already in use. Kill the python process tied to noVNC `sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 6080` with PID number and signin...

官方的老是更新太烦了,直接用更之前的版本 https://www.52pojie.cn/thread-1276636-1-1.html