Why can't you publish python wrapper? It's an easy way for developer to use this device.
Hi, Today, I try to build this repository but get some failures. The one is `cannot find -lvtkRenderingFreeTypeOpenGL`. And my Ubuntu18.04 pc has PCL1.8 and OpenCV3.2 which are installed by...
Hi, I found a strange issue when I try to run demo in [https://db.laomoe.com/](https://db.laomoe.com/) with midori. For me, I create a China mobile Nat in public and relay the tcp...
如果你有一个正常的proxy service通过ssr-plus运行,这时先通过tcping 工具ping google 80端口,你可以获得一个非常低延迟的返回,大约0.3ms. 这时你再关闭你远程vps的proxy服务,再次运行tcping 去检测google,同样也可以获取一个非常低的延迟。由于tcping 工具返回的结果是切换节点的关键工具,但是此时返回的结果已经不是预期的结果了。 状态:pdnsd缓存。