Miguel Jimenez
Miguel Jimenez
### Description PRs #250, #251 and #252 updated the binder environment and the relevant links to the new binder image on both the README (github) and the website (in that...
### Description There have been major updates to `xgcm` , regarding `generalized ufuncs`, resulting in some changes to the way grid interpolates and calculates derivatives. These shouldn't affect `oceanspy` at...
This is related to the **compatibility** of `Oceanspy` with the LLC grid. Here is the following scenario `XC` is periodic and (in general takes values of -180 < xc <...
In the future, zarr files/stores will be opened with ``xarray.open_dataset`` as follows ```python ds = xarray.open_dataset(store, engine="zarr", ...) ``` Thus, (eventually) there needs to be a change on how ``intake-xarray``...
This PR - [x] Provides a temporal patch to the pickling issues described in #292. A better long term solution needs to address this. - [x] Allows `pydap` to work...
See testing environment [here](https://github.com/pydap/pydap/files/14488808/env.txt) The issue arises when calling either of `LocalTestServer` , `LocalTestServerSSL` classes, in combination with `multiprocessing.Process`. These local servers are defined in `src/pydap/server/devel.py` and `src/pydap/server/devel_ssl.py`, and are...
Long over due. For more, read here: https://github.com/github/renaming Will close issue after renaming branch.
This issue closes #410 and #409 The following are tasks that need to be completed before merging this PR. Until then, consider this as a work in progress - [x]...
### Description Both `subsample.stations` and `subsample.mooring_array(... serial=True)` are decoupled from `cutout` and so are more "efficient" and scalable. However, currently there is no easy way to visualize the sampled arrays...
* OceanSpy version: 0.35 ### Description We need to update the history to describe the new changes implemented from version 0.34 to 0.35, with references to PRs with proper acknowledge...