Note that just doing `Developer: Reload Window` after swapping the SVG files doesn't work. You have to close and re-open VS Code (at least in my case).
I got this working on my own fork of this project, using a different method than above. The above method worked but I realized I could only switch rows up...
@Intelliflex would that work if the table was re-sorted? I think the references would be all wrong then. Another option is to store a copy of the original rows object...
@jbetancur sounds good! Right now I'm using the following method, which works but is not the ideal solution: - pass the next/prev keyField - display data from the original rows...
@jbetancur I made some changes to my local branch, and prevRow / nextRow are now passed to the cell's custom callback function. The snag though is that when the detail...
@opus-2 I know this is an old thread, I just found out my office IP address was banned from connecting to a few of the sites I manage due to...
Thanks for the info! Yea I was just using SFTP (SSH), not regular FTP - but maybe SFTP has the same (or similar) issue with this extension? We have a...