Mike Tatsky

Results 9 issues of Mike Tatsky

Is it possible to become sponsor of project and to place link of our product? FancyGrid - JavaScript grid library for Enterprise https://fancygrid.com

Could you please update information about FancyGrid? export - presented Context Menu - presented Pinning - presented Reordering - presented Clipboard - presented

Could you please add in some section information about FancyTrack - free JavaScript error tracking library https://github.com/FancyGrid/FancyTrack

Позвольте задать несколько вопросов и сделать заметки 1 - Чем по сути является Ваш проект? Облегченной версией Three.js? 2 - Не удалось построить ничего кроме треугольника. В 2gl, есть возможность...

Do not afraid to do commercial things. This thing if you will continue doing it (AutoRecording events) is very needed on the market. Later you can add JQuery support. About...

ZeptoJS is unique and needed thing on market. I have experience with engineering dom libraries and I know how complex it is to do stable dom library. jQuery is good...

Zepto does not support animation of 2 params. ``` el.animate({ width: width, left: left }, ANIMATE_DURATION); ``` Code above will set left and animate width. My tests show that Zepto...

Wrong work. Events ignore delegation. ``` .div-1 { background: red; width: 100px; height: 100px; } .div-2 { background: blue; width: 80px; height: 80px; } .div-3 { background: gray; width: 60px;...

Needs confirm
Needs tests