Tiramisu 1993
Tiramisu 1993
Hi, could I send task with specify worker to work with? e.g I have two work with consumer tag named `worker1` and `worker2`, then I would like to send a...
Avoiding to use fmt.Sprintf() so that Go won't over-allocate the memory. issue reference : cilium#19571 Result: ``` $ go test -benchmem -run=^$ -bench ^BenchmarkReconcileDiffString$ github.com/cilium/cilium/pkg/bgpv1/gobgp > BenchmarkReconcileDiffString_old.txt $ go test...
Avoiding to use fmt.Sprintf() so that Go won't over-allocate the memory. issue reference : cilium#19571 Result: ``` $ go test -v -benchmem -run=^$ -bench 'BenchmarkErrNotVRouterAnnoError' github.com/cilium/cilium/pkg/bgpv1 > BenchmarkErrNotVRouterAnnoError_old.txt $ go...
note: 标题有点蠢的感觉,欢迎修改 昨天在 gitter 上和提到过一下这个想法, @gaocegege 说到 https://github.com/dyweb/mos/issues 有很多的 ideas。如果大家有什么灵光一现的点子或者想做的项目但是苦于暂时找不到志同道合的小伙伴,都可以在这个 issue 下面讨论,甚至是直接 open issue,create repo。感觉这样 gsoc-cn 这个社区会更具意义一些(也许将来有 gsoc-cn foundation 呢 ;) ps: 昨晚一宿没睡,暂时就描述这么多....