When I scroll and go part the cursor it changes/drags the Cursor position with it out of the initial state. Is there a way to make it stay steady?
Preview doesn't work and gets stuck "cannot create .cache/vifm/ueberzug-19287" on WSL2 Deb bash Tmux
Been referenced here from [There](https://wiki.vifm.info/index.php/How_to_preview_images#.C3.9Cberzug) and when I install the two scripts in '/bin' when running vifm with `vifmrun` and preview and image with ++w++ it seems to just freeze...
Just like the title says I am able to cmp list and action on local style wiki link `[[#anchor]]` but whe using [title](./my_file.md#anchor) it doesn't list nor action on the...
Basically when I do [mylink](#anchor) it doesn't give me the local header anchors completions menu but when you look for an anchor inside a file like [linktofile](./my_file.md#) the anchors cmp...
I'm trying to run this example to view a 3D model in a webpage and I'm getting this error: > (base) C:\MyFolder\Documentation\3D_WebViewer_DOC\meshplot>mkdocs serve INFO - DeprecationWarning: Jupyter is migrating its...
I'm trying to debug a plugin I'm making but the code doesn't pause the session after executing nvim function with keyboard shortcuts, but It might be becuase I somehow haven't...
I'm tring to debug a basic independent file with dapui and I did manage to make some things work here's my workflow so far: 1) Open nvim in lua file...
### Neovim version (nvim -v) 0.10 ### Operating system/version Ubuntu ### Add the debug logs - [X] I have set `log_level = vim.log.levels.DEBUG` and pasted the log contents below. ###...
an ability to search through the symbols with a hotkey using fzf with an ability to toggle between workspace(global) and document(local) scopes would be nice @ray-x did something similar with...
When I render centain images in bash tmux and ueberzug the image generates ~ 6 columns too high so I'd like to lower it similar with the `image:move(0, 6)` command...