Recently I found, that several changes of MCready values in a row triggers display of bogus values for estimated times and speed. Testing now with latest Android 7.12 version. I...
The same for Status icons
I am also on Pixel4a, Android 13. If you need to access /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xcsoar/files, use Mixplorer app. But Google is really complicating my life recently.
Actually I am working on the icons overhaul also. My aim is to use 26x26 px, optimized (no bloat) svg with viewbox parameter as template for all XCSoar icons. I...
I will try to draw something
Do you want a dual set of icons? - ie "info" state and "warning" state (some red element)?
Work preview  If you can draw red triangle at backgroud for "warning" state at runtime, that would be perfect. Please consider this a draft, things can change
I recently updated my Pixel 6a to Android 14 and here we go again, no access to android/data/ dirs. FV File Explorer can copy out of android/data/..., but not into...
You are right, thank you for the tip