Initiate either via the Supervisor front panel or the Pocket a remote routine on any device (that isn't the host device) that will perform an update. This will require changing...
Implement the pocket app to view documentation. - [ ] Setup guide - [x] Indicator quick reference - [x] Terminology quick reference - [x] Alarm quick reference - [ ]...
Track loop timings and package them in ping messages to/from the supervisor.
Pocket requests diagnostic data from server (coordinator or supervisor, TBD). Diagnostics are then polled only while this screen is open to minimize overhead and reported to the pocket computer application....
- [ ] Process status view - [ ] Mode control - [ ] #355 Start/stop control
- [ ] List all peripherals - [ ] Provide connection info for peripherals - [ ] Provide location info and other stats for peripherals
- [ ] View waste information - [ ] View waste related device states - [ ] Set facility waste mode - [ ] Set unit waste modes